Comment history with karmakiller
Displaying 1 - 20 of 54 comments
Ahhhhh, I've been very slack when it comes to getting on cB. I'm trying to finish up with school stuff, and probably won't be fully active again until after the 24th.
It is laaaame. but w/e.
How have you been??
Karaaaa, I miss not seeing as much. And have obviously neglected the Cb profiles =X but your's is purrrty.
lol, yeah that would be weird. There was this one guy at my church, I thought he was cute but probably would've never dated him.
I later found out that we were related. His mom is my uncles 3rd cousin. idk what that makes us, but w/e.
lol im related to a lot of ppl. how creepy would that be if u were dating someone and then found u were somehow related? eep. i wouldnt be running a background check for criminal records or anything id do it to make sure we're not related, hah.
lol that is crazy. and I thought my family was big (a lot of people say it is... weird).
My mom has 3 sisters, so that side isn't too big. I only have 1 uncle on that side, aaand... 6 cousins.
lol, my dad is one of like 9 kids... my dads older than my mom so a cousin on my dads side is older than my mom.... weirdness! i have an eskimo in my family too... lol. in alaska. and i have vietnamese relatives that i just found out about over summer... my uncle was in vietnam and got a woman pregnant. at least my family isnt the only one with drama. most of us can stand each other enough for a few holidays a year, lol.
haha my grandparents aren't crazy, but my dads side is huge too! He has 5 siblings. So I have... 10 aunts and uncles, I guess. And 12 cousins, but one of my cousins has 3 kids. So I know how you feel with the "with big families, comes big drama". Kind of lame.
Eh, it bugs me when little things can turn around the way people feel about you, esspecially family. My family just has a lot of issues, haha. My dad's side is HUGE so along with big families comes big drama. It's not as bad as my mom's side... esspecially my grandma. She's crazy, I swear! she tried to kidnap me when i was kid. see, toldya crazy. lol.
haha yeah, wellllll I don't have asthma, or atleast I don't think so. x]
Most of my family gets along, some of my dads side doesn't. But we just kind of ignore it. My dads side is mainly catholic, and he was brought up catholic, but now we go to a non-denominational church, and his family doesn't really like that.
But its mainly my aunt who thinks he "betrayed" them, or something.
Its really lame, but w/e.
My moms side gets along well though, I love being with them.
maybe it's because your excited to see your family, haha, i have asthma so i can understand the breathing thing. sometimes its a little scary, because you feel like you dont have control over your body.
im just excited for thanksgiving because i dont have school the rest of the week, hah, my family doesnt totally get along so its just going to be my mom, dad and brothers and their g/f's.
You aren't weird. :]
I've been pretty well, I'm excited to see family on thanksgiving. But I've been having breathing problems since 2 weeks ago. It got better, but right now its kind of hard for me to breathe..
Not to the point of me passing out, it just takes more effort... Its really lame.
How have you been?
:) so besides being so cool, how ya been? lol (im weird, i know)
:D Welcome back to head staff... head staffie. i think our head staff team is the sexiest it's ever been, lol.
Yeah, I totally understand. You were on staff longer than most people have been here, haha. As long as I can still leave you random comments.
Aw, I think so. I mean.. I had been on staff so long. Would I really benefit from being on even longer?
I miss you too. ♥
Karaaaaa :( I hope you made the right decision, though. I'll miss you mucho *hugs*
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"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it careful round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket-- safe, dark, motionless, airless-- it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable... The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers of love is Hell." -
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